Background of World Patient Safety Day 2020
Recognizing patient safety as a global health priority, all 194 WHO Member States at the 72nd World Health Assembly, in May 2019, endorsed the establishment of World Patient Safety Day (Resolution WHA72.6), to be marked annually on 17 September.
The COVID-19 pandemic is presently among the biggest challenges and threats to face the world and humanity, and health care is living its greatest crisis in patient safety ever. The pandemic has exerted unprecedented pressure on health systems worldwide. Health systems can only function with health workers, and a knowledgeable, skilled and motivated health workforce is critical for the provision of safe care to patients. Considering the ongoing challenges, the global campaign for World Patient Safety Day 2020 focuses on:

The objective of World Patient Safety Day 2020 is to raise global awareness about the importance of health worker safety and the need for a holistic approach to patient safety.

WHO is requesting WONCA to send two pre-recorded video messages of up to 3 minutes each
Now, we invite you to:

1. Share picture from your practice to show triage,' clean' and 'dirty' circuit for patients in clinics, combined with telemedicine to reduce risks for fragile patients, and at the same time visiting patients, if needed for physical exploration or tests in the office, and delivering home visits or in social-health residences in a safety way (video 1).

2. Explain your daily work and encourage health workers safety on video, especially from Low and Middle Income Countries (video 2):

You are requested to send a short video, preferably in your work setting, reflecting the following:
1. In the context of COVID-19 and beyond, what challenges are health workers facing?
2. What does the slogan ‘Safe health workers, Safe patients’ mean to you?
3. In your opinion, what needs to be done to address the situation and improve health worker safety and patient safety?
4. In the end, calling for action and to: ‘Speak up for health worker safety!’

Please share your contributions with by using Google Drive, Dropbox or send us a Wetransfer link.

This article was published under the category News on 24/08/2020 20:53.
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