"Thank you for your excellent keynote in Helsinki last week! 
I have only heard a lot of good feedback."
(Tuomas Koskela, Finnish GP)
The EQuiP President, Piet Vanden Bussche, was invited by former EQuiP delegate Klas Winell to give a keynote at the Annual Meeting for Finnish GPs. Around 700 Finish GP's attended the conference over 2 days.
Piet gave a presentation on the theme Trends in Quality and Safety in Family Medicine.
His take home message was:
"The GP hould (again) be able to take responsability and be in the drivers seat for quality of care for the population of his/her practice in the most equitable and safest manner possible."
Link to PP slides from keynote presentation.
This article was published under the category News on 19/12/2017 13:56.
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