Dear all
I really am lucky, proud and pleased to be your President. What a great success for EQuiP!
Thanks to the work of so many of you, we really were able to influence the 23rd WONCA Europe Conference, Krakow 2018 in a way we have never done before.
EQuiP was mentioned by the first keynote (Michael Kidd), the last keynote (Sara Willems) - and also during the Closing Ceremony when the Krakow declaration was presented.
'Equity' was the pivotal conference theme - and all this impressive work was emphasised once more in the Krakow declaration.
Who could have dreamed of this, when we started to discuss the topic in 2013 in Paris? Thank you so much, Hector and Sara.
We also received great feedback on our latest Position Paper on Quality Indicators, which will certainly be used in a lot of countries to reflect on their pay for performance schemes.
As far as I know, all our workshops went excellent with a lot of people attended them.
I received many positive reactions, people asked for more information and shared how inspired they left.
EQuiP has become a brand of top quality.
People associate EQuiP with excellence.
I have seen quite some people participating in more than one workshop, following The Safe EQuiP Track of Quality once again.
Piet Vanden Bussche
EQuiP President
This article was published under the category News on 28/05/2018 19:09.
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