General practitioners are central for patients with depression as they usually provide initial diagnosis and treatment. Physical and other psychological diseases conceal symptoms and complicate therapy.
In Munich, the DFG-funded Research Training Group POKAL ('PrädiktOren und Klinische Ergebnisse bei depressiven ErkrAnkungen in der hausärztLichen Versorgung') will develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches starting October 2021.
16 doctoral positions in diagnostics, treatment and application

POKAL bundles the cutting edge research of the excellence universities Ludwigs-Maximilians-University (LMU), the Technical University Munich (TUM) and their respective clinics at one location to a new German centre for mental health.

POKAL enables young researchers from medicine, psychology, pharmacy, health, care and computer science to acquire a doctoral degree in the course of three years within a structured programme.

If you want to contribute to enabling general practitioners to better recognize and treat patients with depression together with cutting edge researchers and boost your career, apply to one of the above-mentioned topics with the following documents:

Application Deadline: 15th of June 2021.

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This article was published under the category News on 16/05/2021 19:18.
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