European Conference of Family Doctors - DEGAM Annual Congress 2020
December 16 - 19, 2020, Virtual Conference

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to have received so many confirmations of participation and new registrations after our switch to a virtual conference. Making up of the programme was a challenge with a lot of uncertainties for all sides. But as Family Doctors we are used to manage such situations. Now the programme is on the website. There might be some minor changes within the next few weeks but now we all can plan our time slots.

Since we want to offer very good technical support, we cannot organize more than five sessions in parallel, so a considerable number of presentations could not be included in live programme. Your advantage is: you have a broad offer of live formats but you can watch all these presentations also later and you have access to a very extended virtual library.

We invite you to use all these formats in order to get new information and to get connected, you can write messages to others of virtual library and you can offer and organize own workshops or sessions outside the congress platform using the contacts of this library which is open until end of January. We are happy that all originally invited plenary speakers have confirmed their participation in the new format. Beyond that, we have two plenaries on the topic of Covid 19: What does this mean for patients with other conditions and how did primary care manage this challenge in different countries? What does this mean for our core values? Have a look at our updated information about keynote speakers! Even more information will be added there, soon.

Our opening will be a mixture of political and introductory short speeches, a very small music programme, some movements for all attendants and speech of and discussion with Amanda Howe, past President of WONCA world about patient safety. After that, we will have speech and discussion with Hans Kluge, head of WHO Europe and WONCA Europe open meeting.

Thanks to our highly active Pre-conference team of young doctors there will be also a virtual Pre-conference and on Thursday a conference evening for young doctors. Additionally, there will be a virtual exhibition which you can visit and where you can get into contact with exhibitors, especially from WONCA subgroups and further congresses.

Take the chance to strengthen ourselves as well as our profession by participating in this very exciting congress of Family Medicine.

Looking forward to see you online!
Erika Baum and Christoph Heintze

This article was published under the category News on 14/11/2020 08:31.
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