Keywords: Physician health, Austria, working condition, lifestyle
Physicians’ health is necessary for efficient and high-quality patient care. Several studies indicate, that in terms of patient safety and satisfaction the health of physicians is vital. In order to satisfy their status as role models, doctors need to embody a healthy lifestyle.Due to the fact that there is hardly any current research concerning the health - particularly the physical health and the lifestyle - of physicians in Austria, it is essential to conduct a survey. Based on the results potential deficiencies can be identified. A following study could identify reasons for possible shortcomings for the purpose of finding practicable solutions. The efficiency of the taken measures could be analysed by conducting another survey similar to the first one and comparing the results.
A cross-sectional study will be conducted among physicians working in Upper Austria. On that account an online questionnaire will be sent out by the Upper Austria Medical Chamber or by other medical associations (like Oberösterreichische Gesundheitsholding GmbH and OBGAM) to all doctors working in Upper Austria at the time of data collection, which should take three months starting in September. The questionnaire is structured in the following five sections: “Personal data”, “Working conditions”, “Health status and disease behaviour”, “Lifestyle” (including questions about diet, physical activity, sleep habits and quality, alcohol consumption, smoking, drug consumption) and “Effort reward imbalance” and was conducted in cooperation with Portugal, Irland and Germany.
The expected results of this study is to acquire data about the current health status and lifestyle of physicians working in Upper Austria and to identify possible deficiencies.
Health of physicians is an important topic, but often overseen. The research of Physician counselling have shown that there is a strongly relation between one's own health practices and health promotion counselling at the practice.